
Showing posts from November, 2017

Next New

There are many different types of new media being developed everyday and rolling out to consumers. A new type of media that I would suggest is a online way of voting. Currently you have to go to a polling center and physically vote somewhere, you cannot do it from the comfort of your cell phone, tablet or computer. The voting would be done online through a website or through an app and you can vote for The President, Local Senator, Governor, etc. It would allows people to collaborate and communicate on a new person being elected directly from everyone’s homes, instead of going out to vote. It provides people in the same community to come together and collectively vote on an issue and give their inputs also if that feature if available.  There are different issues with this idea of new media though. The idea of security and voter fraud is a big issue with this idea of new media though. This type of new media can be done through an app or website, it would have to be a secured website or

Wiki So Far

I am doing research on a few different topics to be able to contribute to their pages. I am going to contribute by adding some information on new media and video, since I did my term paper on that topic and am knowledgeable on it. I will discuss how video has grown and the direction it is going and how it is related to new media including YouTube. I will also contribute by fixing spelling and grammar mistakes I find around the wiki. I will also add some information on newer social media platforms that have been released such as Bitmoji and add more information to the Snapchat category. Also I will address some security issues with new media and technology in general that can allow hackers to steal sensitive private information. This includes but isn’t limited to the account hacking of users of Uber and Equifax. Also people who had their private photos stolen and leaked from iCloud. I will discuss different measures to take to prevent this from happening and add in detail to the current


File sharing in simple terms is the sharing of files amongst different users. This can be done using a cloud based platform such as Google Drive, a local physical platform such as a Local Shared Drive or even simply attaching a file in an email and sharing it with others. File sharing is not a new term but it has evolved. P2P file sharing or "Peer to Peer" is another way of sharing files. In this situation the files are shared on the individual's computers/servers and are uploaded to a different tracker which would then allow others to download a certain file. The more people that host the file that is being shared on their computer allowing people to access it, the quicker the file can be transmitted to the person downloading it. Another way of looking at it is thinking of each individual user as holding part of the file on their computer so it is not located on only one computer / server around the world, also speeding up the process of downloading said file. An example


Privacy is a concern for everyone and especially nowadays with new media. New media reveals a lot of personal information about the individual using the platform. Media such as Facebook has a user input their hometown, full name, birth date, school, occupation, etc. to populate their profile and to make it visible to their friends. The first level of privacy comes with Facebook having this information on their end in their servers, if they ever got hacked then this info could become public. Secondly this information can be public on a person's public Facebook profile. Anyone can type in a person's name and basically find where they live and work, this can cause people to stalk other people and even break into their homes. The release of information about an individual is concerning for any type of new media site, Instagram, Twitter, etc. New media such as Instagram also has the possibility of giving too much info to someone who would like to cause harm to the user also. If the


If I am hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college I would suggest a few things. First I would use platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram to advertise Baruch. I would use these platforms to reach the younger audiences who are in high school to attract them to Baruch. Showing the cool things that Baruch has to offer such as the computer labs and the state of the art building, besides its prestigious education offered. Showcasing how Baruch is from a current students point of view is pivotal. Snapchat and Instagram can be used in this case too, while uploading videos on YouTube is an option also. Another way to use new media to improve the college is by the use of Twitter. Twitter can be used for students to be able to directly contact officials at the school and get real-time feedback. It can also be used to notify students of any changes happening to the school or any updates that students may need. Twitter also has an option to offer a poll to users to see what


Using new media fosters all types of creativity. People can use new media for new things, types of things that weren't able to be done before these new media were brought into existence. They can also use new media to create newer and better things. One case can be the YouTube videos being created showcasing different songs dubbed over the animation of different Disney and Nickelodeon characters. The songs were meant to be mash-ups and have the animated characters seem like they were dancing to the songs (1). Originally the songs would be posted themselves and the animated characters themselves also. But this way the songs are being combined with the animation of the characters and allowing a new creative video to be published. Also the fact that these big entertainment companies are allowing this without a problem shows how they too are using new media to support creativity. By letting YouTube users create these types of videos, they are getting free advertisement and broadening t

Creativity and New Media

I decided to create an account with the app called Bitmoji. It is related to Snapchat but can be used in any way or form. Bitmoji basically lets you create a comic version of yourself. You can dress them up in any way that you like and showcase them doing different things. I downloaded the app and began to create my bitmoji. I began by selecting a male figure and started to pick out its characteristics. I selected the style of the hair, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, lips, ears, nose and facial hair. Then I continued to dress him up in whatever I wanted. They have themed outfits for different holidays such as Christmas and Halloween. They have all types of shirts, shoes, pants, jackets, etc. Any type of clothing item you can think of is basically available for your choosing. I selected a blue suit with a white shirt because I felt that looked good on him (and me also in real life). After creating a bitmoji you can use them to express how you're feeling. Below I attached some images of my b