
Using new media fosters all types of creativity. People can use new media for new things, types of things that weren't able to be done before these new media were brought into existence. They can also use new media to create newer and better things. One case can be the YouTube videos being created showcasing different songs dubbed over the animation of different Disney and Nickelodeon characters. The songs were meant to be mash-ups and have the animated characters seem like they were dancing to the songs (1). Originally the songs would be posted themselves and the animated characters themselves also. But this way the songs are being combined with the animation of the characters and allowing a new creative video to be published. Also the fact that these big entertainment companies are allowing this without a problem shows how they too are using new media to support creativity. By letting YouTube users create these types of videos, they are getting free advertisement and broadening their audience. People who may have never seen Winnie The Pooh or Spongebob may come across this video and become new consumers. So the idea of creativity and new media is benefitted by multiple parties, not the creators of the new media. The creative possibilities of new media can keep on going to new levels. Different combinations of new media can also be used together to foster creativity.

  1. Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why? The New York Times, September 24, 2007;


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