File sharing in simple terms is the sharing of files amongst different users. This can be done using a cloud based platform such as Google Drive, a local physical platform such as a Local Shared Drive or even simply attaching a file in an email and sharing it with others. File sharing is not a new term but it has evolved. P2P file sharing or "Peer to Peer" is another way of sharing files. In this situation the files are shared on the individual's computers/servers and are uploaded to a different tracker which would then allow others to download a certain file. The more people that host the file that is being shared on their computer allowing people to access it, the quicker the file can be transmitted to the person downloading it. Another way of looking at it is thinking of each individual user as holding part of the file on their computer so it is not located on only one computer / server around the world, also speeding up the process of downloading said file. An example of how P2P file sharing works is in the case of the film Steal This Film. It was distributed and put the concept of P2P file sharing to the test. It was uploaded to BitTorrent trackers and distributed to millions of users around the world. Allowing individuals to contribute their bandwidth and computing power to help deliver the film (1). P2P filesharing is a concept that is beneficial to all if everything that is shared is legal and no one is breaking any laws.
- Take Advantage of P2P - not fear it by Jamie King, New Media Age. London: Nov 22, 2007. pg. 19.https://econsultancy.com/nma-archive/56421-content-producers-should-take-advantage-of-p2p-not-fear-it
The way you describe how the files are downloaded is very interesting and I would have never thought about it like that. In all fairness I never knew much about the details behind it but that explanation helps a little bit more thank you for that.