Social Networking Sites

Facebook and Twitter can be considered two of the top social networking sites on the web. They both have their own specific uses and downsides. Alongside these two, sites such as Instagram and LinkedIn are also widely popular. These four sites all may be social networking sites but they all serve different purposes and have many similarities and differences. They all have profiles and some type of profile picture; they also all have the ability to upload pictures to a person's respective profile, but they also have several differences. Instagram is meant to only upload pictures while commenting and liking on people who you follow's photos, not uploading any type of text to the site. Facebook also lets you upload pictures while commenting and liking on your friend's photos, but it also lets you upload a 'status update' which can be just text. Twitter is meant to be a platform to provide a live discussion and help you spread your thoughts. It is based upon text posts and being able to reply to other people's Tweets also. Lastly LinkedIn is meant to be a professional social network meant to allow you to connect with other colleagues while networking with people to expand your professional network. Instagram is more app/mobile based, while the others can also be used on a desktop form but also have their own dedicated apps. The main colors used on these websites are different variations of the color blue, while Instagram has more of a neutral color scheme. I personally like Instagram the best for posting photos since it is a dedicated photo-sharing app. I use Twitter to have live discussions with people and catch up on whats going on in the world. I used LinkedIn to connect with colleagues while updating my professional experience to be able to attract recruiters. Lastly I use Facebook to connect with old friends or family that I haven't seen in a while and to tag my friends in the comment section of funny memes, videos and posts to share it with them and to wish people Happy Birthday since Facebook is the only way I remember certain people's birthdays.


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