
Showing posts from October, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are a way to escape from reality and be a part of a whole new world. They can be used in different ways that offered different experiences. One way is an online simulated world where everyone has their own personal persona. They can build this character however they want and do what they want in this world. There aren't any boundaries as to what someone can buy or do in this world, it is completely up to them. This allows people such as Mandy Cocke to purchase expensive items in the virtual world and enjoy them there without actually breaking the bank. She does not need to purchase these expensive and luxury items in the real world and break the bank, she can enjoy them in the virtual world because there are no limits (2). While this is a great personal way to use the virtual world, businesses can start using different virtual worlds also. Services like Second Life are developing ways for employees of a company to be able to have a meeting in the virtual world on the


Twitter is a very strong social media platform and is considered one of the top sites. It is a place for a live discussion and meant to spread ideas across the world. Usually there is a live and in the moment back and forth between multiple people on the platform. People from one part of the world can find out about something happening at that exact moment that it is happening through Twitter. A Twitter discussion is different than a Blackboard discussion. Twitter is a live discussion that gives you notifications when someone responds to your post. On Blackboard you can make a post and someone can comment and reply to it but you don't get a notification that someone has done that and it is not a live conversation. You can be notified when a tweet has been made about a certain topic or by a certain person but you cannot be given these notifications on Blackboard. Also on Twitter you are limited to 140 characters and now recently most people can make 280 character posts, but on Black

Social Networking Sites

Facebook and Twitter can be considered two of the top social networking sites on the web. They both have their own specific uses and downsides. Alongside these two, sites such as Instagram and LinkedIn are also widely popular. These four sites all may be social networking sites but they all serve different purposes and have many similarities and differences. They all have profiles and some type of profile picture; they also all have the ability to upload pictures to a person's respective profile, but they also have several differences. Instagram is meant to only upload pictures while commenting and liking on people who you follow's photos, not uploading any type of text to the site. Facebook also lets you upload pictures while commenting and liking on your friend's photos, but it also lets you upload a 'status update' which can be just text. Twitter is meant to be a platform to provide a live discussion and help you spread your thoughts. It is based upon text posts

Social Networking

Social Networks are a big part of almost everyone's life. Many people have many different social networking accounts. Some include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc. The list goes on and on, it seems like there is a new social networking platform popping up every week. There are different ways that these technologies can be used. LinkedIn, for example, is considered a professional social network. You can connect with your colleagues and classmates while also reaching out to new people. It can be used it a corporate environment to help people get to know each other and  have a virtual business card in a sense. Reaching out to recruiters and setting up lunches and coffee dates with people you want to network with is a way that LinkedIn is used. These technologies can be used to reconnect with loved ones that you may not have talked to in a while. People will usually search their names on Facebook and connect with them there. There are downsides and disadv

Blog vs. Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are different but both can be utilized effectively. By making it easier to gather and share information as well as record discussion about a subject, wikis (familiar as the software behind online encyclopedia Wikipedia) can help improve their processes and get projects done faster (Locher). Wikis can be used to collaborate on a topic and allows people to offer their insights and critique very easily. A blog in a sense is more related to an individual instead of a group of people. It is not really meant for people to collaborate on, it's meant for a single user to convey a message or discuss a topic. The Charlotte Observer used a blogging format to report on Hurricane Bonnie in August of 1998, it was the first known use of a blog to cover a breaking story (Gill). In this case it was meant to provide updates on the status of the hurricane and allow people to come to a single place that would then provide resources to help them be informed on the hurricane. In today